Author: danelle

I’m From the Congo…???

The first time I met my husband, was on our first date. We had been matched online, and I hadn’t wanted to go on a date with any of my other matches — and found some of them a little

I Love You, Food Piggy!

Most little kids have some sort of blanket or stuffed animal, or toy they love — their “security”. Security blanket, security teddy bear, security toy truck, etc… My first two children had blankets and/or stuffed animals they HAD to have.

I’m Sweetie, the College Soccer Referee

Officiating soccer at the club, high school and college level, is something I’ve done for the past almost 10 years (when I’m not pregnant, chasing my kids around, or writing). I don’t really like being yelled at, so I might

Home Sweet Home… Until the Mountains

We moved to another city, closer to my husband’s job, this summer. It was very difficult to leave our old house (I’d lived there 10 years and brought 3 of 4 babies home to it). Moving 4 children and the

I Will Love You and Honor You All the Days of My Life

                    We married in a civil ceremony a few years ago, and recently had a wedding in our church, with all four of our kids in the ceremony. In the months

That Crazy Lady Running Out of Her House In Her Pajamas… Is Me

My kids ran away today. I suppose every child makes a runaway attempt once or twice (and comes back when they get hungry). Except mine didn’t have any intention of coming back. Ever. They were caught and forced back against

Lainey’s Prince Did Come… His Name Is Daddy

Pretty sure that a few years ago, my (then bachelor) husband had no idea just what he was in for… that soon he would be clipping butterflies and flowers into blonde hair and reading fairy tales… that he would know


It was 10 pm, I had just finished putting the last kid to bed (and hopefully he stayed that way!), and was on my way downstairs to finish folding the last two out of four loads of laundry I’d done

My Heart Belongs to #10!

Devin’s baseball season is over and I’m sad. I look forward to attending his games. This past season, I wanted to hold a sign that said “My heart belongs to #10!” Except that Devin is 12 and a half —

“When you look into your mother’s eyes, you know that is the purest love you can find on this earth.” — Mitch Albom

I was going to be a perfect mom. I was never going to get angry or upset, I was never going to yell, and of course I would never be frustrated. Because I was going to be perfect at being
